Welcome to champaign central music
Supporting young musicians in the Champaign Central High School music program
Congrats to 6 ILMEA ALL-STATE Central Musicians!
CHS Music News
2025 Trivia Night Set
Join us for a night of fun and community to support the Central Music Program! Come out for "Trivia in the Tropics" at Jupiters at the Crossing on Sunday March 9. Get all the details here: https://www.maroons.org/trivia/
2024 Fruit Sale
Support the Central High School Music Program by purchasing fruit, donating to local food banks, or directly to the program! For more information, see the Fruit Sale page here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/champaign-central-maroons-fruit-sale-2024/
Upcoming Events
Booster Meeting
Feb 10 – 7 PM Central HS Band Room
Concert and Symphonic Band Concert
Feb 13 – 7 PM Decker Theater
Choir and Orchestras Concert
Feb 18 – 7 PM Decker Theater
Swing Central
Feb 21 – Location TBD
About Maroons Music
The success of the Champaign Central High School music programs is a result of the dedication and hard work of the students, directors, school and district administrators, parents, teachers, boosters, and community members. Everyone involved realizes the importance of music and music education in the development of young people.
Fee Payment Options
Please provide your student’s name and the item you are paying for (e.g. Marching band participation ($100), Jazz program fee ($50), ILMEA audition fee ($10)).
Option 1: Pay with student credit (if your child has a student credit balance through fundraising activities in previous semesters): Email treasurer.maroonbands@gmail.com.
Option 2: Pay with Cash. Please deposit in a locked box in the band room in a sealed envelope that includes your student’s name and payment item description.
Option 3: Pay with Check. Please make your check payable to Champaign Central Music Boosters” and mail the check to 610 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61820 c/o Central Music. Please use black ink and remember to sign and date your check.
Option 4: Pay with Zelle. Zelle is a free online payment tool through your bank. See if your bank offers Zelle https://www.zellepay.com. Our Zelle email is treasurer.maroonbands@gmail.com.
Option 5: Pay with Cheddar up. Cheddar up is an easy online payment tool . Please note that there is a nominal fee to use this credit card service.
Link to Cheddar up for Marching Band Fee
Link to Cheddar up for Jazz Band Fee
Concert Bands
The winds compose as many as three bands, performing popular and symphonic music and competing at ILMEA.
Jazz Ensembles
Central Jazz features the annual Swing Central event, Jazz festival and gigs around town.
Marching Band
The Pride and Class of Champaign, the Marching Maroons perform at football games and competitions in autumn semester.
Want to Join The Central Music Boosters Club?
We would love to have your guidance and help with the booster club supporting Champaign Central music!  Please email the Booster Club president for more information about the next meeting and how you can get involved.